How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

 How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Hey Guys, how are you? I hope you are good. So welcome to our next article. Today, I will talk about how to lose fat and gain muscle fast. The first important thing for this is the right diet. The right diet is as important as the workout to keep the body fit. If you want to increase muscle size and also lose fat. So today I will give you some tips which will be very helpful for you because you can lose fat and increase your muscles at the same time. For this, you will have to stay with our article until the end. That's when you'll truly understand how to shed fat and build muscle quickly. Many people say that if you want to increase muscle size, then your calories should be in the surplus. And if you want to lose fat, then you should stay in a calorie deficit. So now it comes to the point that if you have to do fat loss and muscle gain on the same capacitance then what is better to do?

Here I am the first 4 types of people who can easily lose fat and muscle at a time.


How to loose fat

1. If you are a beginner -

If you are a beginner then you do not need to take much tension. It will be easier for you to build muscles and lose fat. They just have to concentrate on their good diet and exercise 5 or 6 days a week.


2. Resume exercise after a long time -

Now come to the second point. If you have stopped doing workouts due to any reason and your fat has increased significantly. And now you are starting workout after a long time. So, there is no need for much tension for them either. If you start your workout again after a long time, then Your muscle parts start to activate slowly and your muscle memory starts working again. This causes your muscles to grow again from where you left your workout. And along with the muscles, your fat also starts decreasing itself.


3. Big Fat percentages -

Now come to our third point. If your big fat percentages are high then those people will have to stay in their calorie deficit and they will also have to pay attention to their workouts. Because the body fat that is contained in these people is stored as extra energy and the body fat it contains will keep your body fat in an anabolism mon which will help you to grow your muscles.


4. Genetically -

Now come on those people who are genetically identical to their body fat. If these people eat or drink anything, then there is no effect on their body fat. These people also exercise and also eat and drink more. But their fat does not increase and muscles also continue to grow. Such people are only one in millions.

Now we know that Muscle Gain and Fat Loss can be possible quickly at the same time. So, now we will know how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.


1. Excessive of Protein -

Come to the first point. To build muscles, you have to take a lot of protein. We mean multiply it by 2.2 as much as your weight. Now you have to consume a little more protein than the number of grams you get. Suppose your weight is 70 kilograms, then multiply it by 2.2. That is 70 * 2.2 = 144 grams. Meaning that your protein intake should be a little more than 144 grams. With this help, your muscles will gain and fat will also be lost.


2. Maintain your calories -

Now come to the second tip. If you are from all the three points mentioned earlier, then maintain your calories. To maintain calories, first, calculate your calories. You can use the calorie calculator to determine your intake. It is available on Google, you can search it on Google. Now, keep your calories up to 5% -8% less than your maintenance calories. This will build your muscles as well as reduce fat.


3. Full Body workout -

Now come to the third and important tip which is a full-body workout. You have to pay attention to all your body parts to grow muscles. Many people have high fat on their stomachs, so they exercise abs every day. This does not happen, guys. To grow muscles, you have to concentrate on your entire body and also spend 40-50 minutes in the gym. If you focus your attention on the entire body, it will also reduce your fat and grow your muscle at the same time.


4. Lift weight more than the previous day -

Now our last point is to lift weight more than the previous day. Do not lift the same weight if you exercise daily. Always try to lift more weight than the weight you lifted in your last 3 days. We mean always pay more attention to progressive overloading. With this help, your muscles will get more stress and it will help to grow your muscles as well.


So these were our important tips on how to lose fat and gain muscle fast. I hope You liked my article of mine. For new updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Stay tuned to our blog for more information and knowledge about health, fitness, and nutrition. Stay fit and stay healthy!

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