4 Best Yoga that can Boost Immune System

4 Best Yoga that can Boost Immune System

Yoga has been practiced on our earth since ancient times. Through yoga, we can change our lifestyle. Through yoga, we can make ourselves healthy and fit. The history of Yoga is more than 5000 years old. It was started in India by great sadhus and sages. Because the effect of the Coronavirus has become widespread in this world, it attacks most people with weak immune systems quickly. That is why today I will tell about 4 such yoga activities that effectively strengthen your immune system.

1. Surya Namaskaar -

Surya Namaskar, as you may know from its name, means to greet the sun through yoga. As you can see in this picture, there are 12 postures in Surya Namaskar that have to be repeated one by one. Through Surya Namaskar, we can increase our digestive and immunity power. By doing it in the morning, our body keeps on transmitting energy throughout the day. We start feeling happy.

2. Kapalbhati Pranayama -

Kapalabhati is a part of yoga pranayama. There are 3 types of Kapalbhati; 1. Vatakram Kapalbhati, 2. Vyutkram Kapalbhati, 3. Sheetkarm Kapalbhati. We are talking here, of Vatakram Kapalbhati. To perform this action, we have to sit in meditation posture and both the nostrils are closed, then the breath is taken from one of the nostrils and exhaled from the other nostril. It has to be done at least 15 to 20 times. By doing this, our body and mind get relief.

3. Baal Asana -

Through Baal Asana, we get relief from constipation diseases. By doing hair posture, our mind is happy. This gives comfort to our entire body. Baal Asana is performed like an infant. To do this, we have to bend our knees and sit on our heels, and our heels should touch our hips. Then, our head is tilted forward, and our head and hands should touch the ground. Then, gently raise your head and hand and come to the previous pose.

4. Bhujang Asana -

Bhujang asana relieves many types of diseases, it helps in keeping the body healthy. We can also get rid of all sexually related diseases through Bhujang Asana. Our immune system is also strengthened with the help of Bhujang asana. To perform the Bhujang posture, we have to lie on the ground on the abdomen, then we have to lift the upper part of our body while breathing up to our navel while the lower part of the body touches the ground. Then slowly comes back, exhaling in the previous posture.

So these were the 4 activities of yoga. With the help of which you can make your immune system strong. But friends, remember that if you are doing yoga for the first time, then take the help of a yoga expert. Hope you have liked this article of mine, stay with me for more knowledge about health and fitness. Stay healthy, be happy.

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