4 Best Bicep Workouts You Can Do at Home
Hey guys, How are you? I hope you are doing well. As we know, due to a heavy workload and everyday busy life, sometimes we are not able to do our workout regularly. So to end this problem, today I am going to tell you about the four exercises for biceps that you can do anywhere at your home or garden. In this, you will only need 2 bricks. However, keep in mind that both bricks should have the same weight. So Now we will start with the first exercise.

1. Alternate Bicep Curl -
The first exercise is the Alternate Bicep Curl. Alternate Bicep curls you have to do like you do with dumbbells. For this, you have to lift both bricks and then you stand up straight, your feet should be as wide as your shoulders. Now pull your shoulders back slightly. Now, straighten up and slowly lower it down. You will work on the negative aspects when you bring down your arms and you will work on the positive aspects when you are squeezing the muscles. Repeat it one by one with both bricks. you can do 4 sets of 12-16 reps.
2. Hammer Curl -
So guys, Now we come to the next exercise which is Hammer Curl. Hammer Curl is a great workout that develops your overall biceps. I mean it is very helpful to develop a round bicep that is visible from all sides. Helps to increase your bicep peak. And also, without a hammer curl, none of your bicep workouts are complete. This workout can be done anywhere at your home To perform a hammer curl, you stand up straight. According to your shoulder, your feet should be wide. Lock your arms, your shoulder and elbows, and your chest should be up as well. Now you have to lift both bricks together, remember to take it uphill comfortably, and then bring it down slowly. You can 5 sets of 15 reps.
3. Concentration Curl -
The next exercise is the Concentration Curl. So Concentration curls are also a great exercise for developing biceps spheres. This workout also helps increase your bicep peak. You will need a seat to do this. So now, let's say how to do this workout. Sit on the seat to do this. Now pick up a brick. The hand that has brick, keep the elbow of that hand close to your knee on the thigh. Fold the other hand backward. Tilt your shoulder slightly down. Now gently lift the brick with your hand. And slowly bring it down. Bring it up in such a way that the weight of the bricks is felt in your bicep. Repeat this 15 times with one hand. Repeat the same with your other hand. You can do 4 sets of 16-18 reps.
4. Preacher Curl -
Now we come to the next workout of Bicep which is Preacher Curl. Preacher curls are also a great workout for developing your peak. With the help of a preacher curl, a right contraction of the bicep can be achieved. To do this you need a preacher bench. Because I am talking about exercise with bricks, which you can do anywhere. So to do this, you sit down with the help of your knees like you do squad time. To do this, lift both bricks and place your triceps on your knees. Remember, your elbows should be slightly outward from your knees. Only put part of your triceps on your knees. After this, you have to lift the bricks with both hands, which means bringing it upwards and then gently bringing it down the line in your elbow. You will have to do this exercise very slowly. You can do 4 sets of 16-18 reps.
These four exercises can be done at home or anywhere you prefer. You just need two bricks. I hope you enjoyed my article. For more updates and information, please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages. Stay tuned with us, and until then, stay fit and stay healthy!
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