15 Health Benefits of Fiber
Hey guys, How are you? I hope you are fit. So, today we are going to tell you about the 15 health benefits of fiber and its side effects. Dietary fiber is a kind of carbohydrate often referred to as roughage or bulk. This comes from plant-based foods and can be very healthy for the human body. If you consume the right amounts unlike other carbs fiber cannot be broken down by the body into glucose and is instead fermented by your friendly bacteria as a fuel source. In today's article, we will explore 15 facts and benefits of fiber which types of fiber are best, and also its side effects.

1. Blood sugars Whole foods rich in fiber are excellent for helping to control blood sugar levels. Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and reduces the risk of developing type.
2. Diabetes: It also helps your body digest carbohydrates better, such as fruits and vegetables. Two: Weight management: It helps to keep blood sugars under control. You are more likely to feel satisfied after you eat, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. High-fiber foods, especially those rich in soluble fiber, such as avocados and chia seeds, also tend to be more filling.
3. Soluble versus insoluble fiber research shows that soluble fiber is much healthier for the body because it absorbs moisture in the digestive tract friendly bacteria in the intestines eat fiber as a fuel source which supports better digestion. Insoluble fiber also adds bulk to stools but does not absorb moisture. If you consume it in large amounts it can aggravate colon problems, besides causing a possible blockage. It often contains cellulose, a substance that the body has difficulty breaking down.
4. Nutrient absorption fiber is a prebiotic that helps feed friendly microbes in the gut. These helper microbes support better digestion and allow the body to absorb more nutrients from foods consumed in the small intestine.
5. Brain fog if you suffer from brain fog then it is likely that there is something wrong with your digestive system. There are more nerve endings in the gut than the spinal column which is why the gut is considered the second brain. Avoid bread pasta cereals and grains which aggravate the gut and switch to whole food sources of soluble fiber. Due to this, you start feeling better in memory and concentration.
6. Allergies consuming fermented vegetables rich in soluble fiber is an easy way to reduce allergic reactions. Fiber from foods like sauerkraut and kimchi supports the microbiome which in turn reduces histamine response from mast cells in the body. This can reduce hives itching asthma and many other allergic reactions.
7. Real fiber foods when we discuss fiber we are talking about whole foods found in nature such as asparagus, celery, zucchini, romaine lettuce, beets, tomatoes, and cucumber. We advise you to avoid refined carbohydrates such as flour, sugar, cereals, rice bread, grain biscuits, and pancakes. These can actually have a negative effect which tears up the intestinal tract leading to irritable bowel syndrome diverticulitis and constipation.
8. Inflammation when good bacteria in the gut digest fiber. They generate butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. Butyrate is very anti-inflammatory and can reduce aches and pains in the body such as joint pain, headaches, swelling, and muscle pain.
9. Alzheimer's early scientific studies suggest that butyrate also improves brain health for those with Alzheimer's disease. It does this by reducing plaques in the brain called amyloid-beta. Therefore, consuming healthy fiber-rich foods can lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
10. Weight Loss When you consume fiber, your microbes create butyrate which naturally reduces insulin resistance in the body. This allows your cells to create energy more efficiently. This is great for people who are trying to lose weight, especially when eating fermented vegetables.
11. Kidney stone studies show that fiber can reduce the risk of forming kidney stones, which can be quite painful. It does this by helping to reduce the amount of calcium and oxalate that passes through the kidneys. It works especially well for postmenopausal women, especially when they drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
12. Side effects if you have low amounts of friendly microbes then you may struggle to digest fiber. You may experience bloating excessive gas and stomach pain when you consume fiber-rich foods. If this is the case, we would recommend eating fermented vegetables instead. These are much easier to digest and will help you rebuild your microflora naturally.
13. How to boost microbes to fully enjoy the benefits listed. Today it is important that you have a well-established colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Taking a daily probiotic supplement can help along with consuming sauerkraut daily.
14. Why can't i digest fiber if you do have trouble with bloating or constipation after eating these foods it may be because you have taken antibiotics in the past. GMO foods, artificial sweeteners, pesticides, and hormone-fed meats can all lead to the death of friendly bacteria. Simply clean up the diet and follow a healthy plan such as Keto and intermittent fasting.
15. When to avoid fiber if you suffer from excessive bloating diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, or constipation. You should avoid fiber-rich foods. This will add congestion to the colon and make these problems worse try consuming sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented pickles instead. Since these help address the underlying issue. You should also avoid consuming fiber entirely if you suffer from Sibo. You can fix this condition by consuming apple cider vinegar daily and betaine hydrochloride in pill form.
As you can see, fiber has some fantastic health benefits. When it is consumed properly and from the right sources, remember that soluble fiber is the best to consume because it absorbs moisture and is easier for your friendly bacteria to ferment and digest natural soluble fiber-rich foods such as green vegetables. Soluble fiber-rich foods also provide lots of minerals and phytonutrients, which provide many additional health benefits.
One of the best types of fiber found in nature is called glucomannan fiber also known as cognac fibre. This soluble fiber absorbs 50 times its weight in water and keeps you feeling satisfied and full. You can find many low-carb products on the market made with cognac flour such as pasta and rice alternatives.
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