Gain Your Weight 8-10 Kg within 1 month

Top - 3 Food to increase your weight naturally

1. Sago -

I am going to tell you about the best food item "sago". Sago is a pure protein-rich food, that contains large amounts of calories and carbohydrates, sago is easily digestible, and most importantly, it is used in Ayurveda and it is very useful in many home remedies to keep the body cool. Now you must have understood how many benefits of sago are. Apart from this, it is also very helpful in weight gain. Friends, if you want to increase your weight then include sago in your routine. You should eat it at least once because it helps in increasing your weight in the shortest time. And friends I guarantee it, if you include sago in your lunch or dinner, then get ready because now you are going to look different after 1 month.

2. Oat -

Oats are the second-best food that helps increase your weight. Oats are found to provide abundant vitamins and minerals. Oats are rich in fiber and improve insulin response and lowering blood sugar, oats also contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidants which are very beneficial for our face and reduce the effect of cancer. If we talk about the elements present in it, then oats contain fiber, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, protein, calcium, magnesium, silicon, vitamin B6, and vitamin-12. All these properties in oats are beneficial for our body. So friends, what are you waiting for, just include this amazing food in your routine so that you can gain weight fast. You do not have to work hard to make oats.

3. Potato

Now, the next topic is Potatoes. So I am gonna tell you about the third best thing to increase your weight: Potatoes. Potatoes are rich in iron, which is also helpful in strengthening your bones. They are also rich in vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, which is very helpful in weight gain. So, if you really want to increase your weight fast, then add boiling potatoes to your daily routine.

So, guys, I hope you will understand how to increase your weight naturally. You don't need to take any supplements or weight-gain powder. You just have to add these three best foods to your daily routine. You will really feel different after one month.

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